Please check the Student Assignment Book or Homework Helpline on the North Schuylkill homepage each day for any revisions.
Period 1: Textbook page 72 finish 18-50; Quiz Wednesday on Lessons 4.1-4.3
Periods 2 and 4: WB page 31; Chapter 6 Test Thursday
Period 3: WS; Quiz Wednesday on Lessons 4.1-4.3
Period 1: Study for quiz on Lessons 4.1-4.3
Periods 2 & 4: Textbook page 131 questions 6-19
Period 3: Study for quiz on Lessons 4.1-4.3
Period 1: WB page 20
Periods 2 & 4: Study for Chapter 6 Test
Period 3: WS
Period 1: WB page 19 odd
Period 3: WS
Periods 2 & 4: We will begin Chapter 7 after the test