Period 1: Test on Island of the Blue Dolphins is Monday. Today, we had a Fire Prevention Program and we only had time to review the end of the story questions. It was time well spent! We discussed the difference between the theme of a story and the main idea identifying both from Island of the Blue Dolphins.
Period 2: Students completed selection test. (Have your second AR book read and tested by Monday.)
Period 3: Students revised tall tales and read AR books. (Earn your 10 AR points by Monday.)
Period 4: Students began the selection test for Island of the Blue Dolphins and were encouraged to spend time reading the story over the weekend, since the test was not completed.
Period 5: Finished Test and read AR books - (Have your second AR book read and tested by Monday.)
Period 6: Read AR books and revised tall tales. (Earn your 10 AR points by Monday.)