Friday, May 17, 2013

Friday, May 17, 2013

Social Studies:  Quiz Tuesday - - review Articles of Confederation WS and Ch 13 Lesson 2 notes; we will review Monday

Chapter 13 – Lesson 2

-       Delegates met in Philadelphia to discuss changing the Articles of Confederation so that the United States government could work better for all Americans.

-       55 delegates attended the meeting.  All were white men who owned property.  Most of them had fought beside Washington in the Continental Army.

-       James Madison proposed the Virginia Plan.  He thought that the Articles of Confederation should be thrown out. 

Virginia Plan

1.               Central government should have 3 branches or parts.

-       Legislative or law-making body, called the Congress

-       Executive

-       Judicial

2.             The number of representatives each state would have in Congress would be based on population. 


New Jersey Plan

1.               All states would have the same number of representatives in the Congress.


Many Compromises

Compromise – each side gives up something it wants in order to reach an agreement

What was decided:

1.               Three main branches

2.             Congress would have (2) separate houses.

a.     House of Representatives – each state’s representatives would be based on population

b.     Senate – each state would have (2) representatives

3.              People would vote for members of an Electoral College.  The Electoral College would then vote for a President.

4.             Every (5) slaves would be counted as (3).


The Constitution of the United States was signed on September 17, 1787.